Teaching: 8 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
Who are we and what are we going to learn?
Introduce ourselves and the course
Setup Hydroshare our example FAIR data platform
Better research by better sharing
- Sean Cleveland, Cyberinfrastructure Scientist, The University of Hawai’i Cyberinfrastructure & Hawaii Data Science Institute
- Bjarne Bartlett, CI-TRACS Data Science Fellow, The University of Hawai’i Cyberinfrastructure & Hawaii Data Science Institute
Hello everyone, and welcome to the FAIR Data Management Security and Ethics workshop.
Better research by better sharing
For many of us, data management or output sharing in general are considered a burden rather than a useful activity. Part of the problem is our bad timing and lack of planning.
Data management is a continuous process
Figure credits: Tomasz Zielinski and Andrés Romanowski from
When should you engage in data sharing and open practices?
- Data management should be done throughout the duration of your project.
- If you wait till the end, it will take a massive effort on your side and will be more of a burden than a benefit.
- Taking the time to do effective data management will help you understand your data better and make it easier to find when you need it (for example when you need to write a manuscript or a thesis!).
- All the practices that enable others to access and use your outcomes directly benefit you and your group
In this workshop we will discuss how your research outputs can be made readily available for re-use by others.
Key Points
You can do more impactful research if you plan to share your outputs!
You can more efficiently publish if you plan to share your outputs!