This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Fair Data Management Security and Ethics

This workshop focuses on introducing FAIR data management practices – FAIR stands for Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability. Attendees will learn how to incorporate these concepts into data management, additionally the seminar will address data security and ethics. Attendee will learn about FAIR data and practice these concepts using Hydroshare and some other FAIR data tools.

To get the most out of this worskshop attendees should:

Presenters Today:


Some of the materials presented today have been derived from other workhsop efforts in FAIR:

Funding provided by:

CyberInsfrastructure TRaining to Advance Climate Science (CI-TRACS) NSF #2118222


Setup Setup account on Hydroshare
00:00 1. Introduction Who are we and what are we going to learn?
00:08 2. Open Science What is Open Science?
How can I benefit from Open Science?
Why has Open Science become a hot topic?
00:20 3. Intellectual Property, Licensing, and Openness What is intellectual property?
Why should I consider IP in Open Science?
00:30 4. FAIR Introduction What are the FAIR principles?
Why should I care to be FAIR?
How do I get started?
00:35 5. Findable What is a persistent identifier or PID?
What types of PIDs are there?
00:45 6. Accessible What is a protocol?
What types of protocol are FAIR?
00:55 7. Interoperable What does interoperability mean?
What is a controlled vocabulary, a metadata schema and linked data?
How do I describe data so that humans and computers can understand?
01:03 8. Reusable What makes data reusable?
01:11 9. Metadata What is metadata?
What do we use metadata for?
01:33 10. Public repositories Where can I deposit datasets?
What are general data repositories?
How to find a repository?
01:43 11. Exercises What makes this dataset FAIR?
01:53 12. Ethics What ethical considerations are there when making data public?
02:01 13. Security What measures will you take to secure your data?
02:09 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.