This workshop focuses on introducing FAIR data management practices – FAIR stands for Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability. Attendees will learn how to incorporate these concepts into data management, additionally the seminar will address data security and ethics. Attendee will learn about FAIR data and practice these concepts using Hydroshare and some other FAIR data tools.
To get the most out of this worskshop attendees should:
- Have a web browser
- Have a Hydroshare account
Presenters Today:
- Sean Cleveland Ph.D. - Cyberinfrastructure Research Scientist - Information Technology Services - University of Hawaii - System
- Bjarne Bartlett - HI-DSI Data Science Fellow - Molecular Biosciences & Bioengineering - University of Hawaii - Manoa
Some of the materials presented today have been derived from other workhsop efforts in FAIR:
- FAIR in (biological) practice -
- FAIR data for climate sciences -
Funding provided by:
CyberInsfrastructure TRaining to Advance Climate Science (CI-TRACS) NSF #2118222